ISTANBUL! This bustling metropolis of Türkiye, spanning the two continents of Europe and Asia, is filled with history and charm offering the best of both worlds. With its historic landmarks, world-renowned cuisine, vibrant nightlife, and a maze of old and quaint marketplaces alongside modern shopping arcades, Istanbul is a traveller’s delight.
Tag: Lunch
The ‘LAZY GRAZING LUNCH’ every Saturday at the Graze Gastro Grill will have you enjoying a relaxed and rather unusual dining experience with an endless flow of delicacies served at your table. With floor to ceiling French windows, rustic urban decor and indoor-outdoor seating, this restaurant creates a welcoming atmosphere despite the lack of diners (which...
Park House
Park House on Kite Beach is definitely now my favorite spot for coffee and a healthy bite! It is a gorgeous space decorated in nautical colors with splashes of yellow – the outdoor picnic tables and benches sends out all the right beach vibes!